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Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade ; 19(46): 3772, 20241804.
Artigo em Inglês, Português | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552241


A aprendizagem baseada em projeto orientada pelos fundamentos da educação interprofissional é um modelo que pode contribuir para a formação de relacionamentos interpessoais, criatividade, empatia e colaboração na educação médica, por meio de uma colaboração mútua com profissionais de saúde da rede. Muito se fala da efetividade desse método no campo do ensino e aprendizagem médica, mas há a necessidade de incluir a importância do desenvolvimento de habilidades interprofissionais, com equipes colaborativas, em ações extensionistas, diante das necessidades locais no contexto da atenção primária, pensando na melhoria dos resultados de saúde. O objetivo deste trabalho é apresentar um relato de experiência de aprendizagem baseada em projeto de estudantes de Medicina no contexto da Estratégia Saúde da Família. Participaram deste trabalho estudantes do Módulo Integração Ensino, Serviço e Comunidade da Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri que executaram, em colaboração com uma equipe interprofissional o projeto sobre a saúde do homem. Como resultado da análise qualitativa do feedback entre os integrantes, observaram-se mudanças no comportamento dos estudantes, com melhorias na comunicação, empatia e nas relações interpessoais, por meio do trabalho colaborativo com a equipe interprofissional. Esta experiência poderá ser adaptada para implementar o ensino e aprendizagem no projeto pedagógico orientado pela educação interprofissional na atenção primária.

Project-based learning guided by the fundamentals of interprofessional education is a model that can contribute to the formation of interpersonal relationships, creativity, empathy and collaboration within medical education, through mutual collaboration with health professionals in the health network. Much has been said about the effectiveness of this method in medical teaching and learning, but there is a need to include the importance of developing interprofessional skills, with collaborative teams, within extension actions, in view of local needs in the context of primary care, thinking about the improved health outcomes. The objective of this work was to present a report of a project-based learning experience of medical students in Family Health Strategy. Students from the Teaching, Service and Community Integration Module of the Faculty of Medicine of Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri participated in this work, executing in collaboration with an interprofessional team a project about men's health. As a result of the qualitative analysis of the feedback among the members, changes in student behavior were observed with improvements in communication, empathy and interpersonal relationships through collaborative work with the interprofessional team. This experience can be adapted to implement teaching and learning in the pedagogical project guided by interprofessional education in primary care.

El aprendizaje basado en proyectos y guiado por los fundamentos de la educación interprofesional es un modelo que puede contribuir a la formación de relaciones interpersonales, creatividad, empatía y colaboración dentro de la educación médica, a través de la colaboración mutua con los profesionales de la salud en la red de salud. Mucho se habla de la efectividad de este método dentro de la enseñanza y el aprendizaje médico, pero es necesario incluir la importancia del desarrollo de habilidades interprofesionales, con equipos colaborativos, dentro de las acciones de extensión, frente a las necesidades locales en el contexto de la atención primaria, pensando sobre los mejores resultados de salud. El objetivo de este trabajo es presentar un informe de experiencia de aprendizaje basado en proyectos de estudiantes de medicina en la Estrategia de Salud Familiar. Participaron en este trabajo estudiantes del Módulo Integración Enseñanza, Servicio y Comunidad de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidade Federal dos Vales do Jequitinhonha e Mucuri que ejecutaron en colaboración con un equipo interprofesional el proyecto sobre la salud del hombre. Como resultado del análisis cualitativo de la retroalimentación entre los integrantes, se observaron cambios en el comportamiento de los estudiantes con mejoras en la comunicación, la empatía y las relaciones interpersonales a través del trabajo colaborativo con el equipo interprofesional. Esta experiencia puede adaptarse para implementar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en el proyecto pedagógico guiado por la educación interprofesional en atención primaria.

Rev. Bras. Med. Fam. Comunidade ; 19(46): 3928, 20241804.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1552244


Introdução: A comunicação é reconhecida como uma habilidade central por vários órgãos reguladores internacionais da educação médica. O ensino específico de habilidades de comunicação é fundamental para melhorar a comunicação dos médicos. As técnicas experienciais mostraram superioridade em comparação com os modelos tradicionais. A utilização de consultas reais ajuda os estudantes a visualizar melhor as suas competências de entrevista e a refletir sobre elas. Com os avanços da tecnologia, o uso de consultas médicas gravadas em vídeo tornou-se a abordagem padrão para o ensino da comunicação. No entanto, a eficácia dessa técnica depende do envolvimento ativo dos estudantes. As suas contribuições e comentários dos pares sobre a consulta gravada são essenciais para a aprendizagem. Contudo, a perspectiva do estudante sobre a utilidade dessa abordagem educativa recebeu pouca atenção. Objetivos: Compreender a percepção da aprendizagem dos residentes de medicina de família e comunidade resultante da atividade de vídeo feedback na sua formação profissional. Métodos: Estudo exploratório, qualitativo, realizado com residentes do primeiro ano de medicina de família e comunidade de um programa de residência estabelecido em São Paulo, Brasil. Os participantes foram entrevistados após as sessões educativas, que foram analisadas por meio de análise temática reflexiva. Resultados: A autopercepção de sua prática, o aprendizado de habilidades de comunicação e os ganhos afetivos foram identificados pelos participantes como pontos de aprendizado derivados da atividade de vídeo feedback. Além disso, sobre o aprendizado de habilidades específicas de comunicação, eles mencionaram comunicação não-verbal e verbal, conexões entre teoria e prática, estrutura de consulta e oportunidades para cristalizar conhecimentos. Os ganhos afetivos incluíram sentir-se parte de um grupo, melhora da autoestima, superação de inseguranças, percepção de consultas mais efetivas, reforço do gosto pelo trabalho e reconhecer a necessidade de mais aprendizado. Conclusões: Os ganhos de aprendizagem identificados em nosso estudo levaram a uma experiência de humanidade compartilhada, que permite aos participantes serem mais efetivos técnica e afetivamente com seus pacientes. Além disso, identificamos que a atividade educativa de vídeo feedback pode ser utilizada para outros possíveis fins educacionais além do ensino da comunicação.

Introduction: Communication is recognized as a central skill by various international medical education regulatory bodies. Specific teaching on communication skills is important to enhance doctors' communication. Experiential techniques appear to be superior compared to traditional models. Real-life consultation helps trainees visualize their interview skills and reflect on them. Upgraded by technology, the use of video-recorded medical visits became the standard approach for communication teaching. However, the effectiveness pf this technique relies on trainees' active involvement. Their inputs and peer feedback on the recorded consultation are essential to learning. Despite its importance, their perspective on the usefulness of video feedback in medical education has received limited attention. Objective: To understand the perception of learning among general practice trainees as a result of the video feedback activity in their vocational training. Methods: An exploratory, qualitative study, conducted with first-year general practice trainees from an established training program in São Paulo, Brazil. Participants were interviewed after educational session, which were analyzed using reflexive thematic analysis. Results: Self-perception of their practice, communication skills learning, and affective gains were identified by participants as learning points derived from the video feedback activity. Furthermore, for specific communication skills learning, they mentioned nonverbal and verbal communication, theory and practice connections, consultation structure and opportunities for crystallizing knowledge. Affective gains included feeling part of a group, improving self-esteem, overcoming insecurities, perception of more effective consultations, reinforcing fondness for their work, and need for more learning. Conclusions: The learning gains identified in our study led to an experience of common humanity, which allowed participants to be more technically and affectively effective with their patients. Also, we identified that the video feedback educational activity can be used for other possible educational purposes, beyond the teaching of communication.

Introducción: La comunicación es reconocida como una habilidad fundamental por varios organismos reguladores internacionales de educación médica. La enseñanza específica de habilidades de comunicación es importante para mejorar la comunicación de los médicos. Las técnicas experienciales parecen ser superiores a los modelos tradicionales. El uso de consultas reales ayuda a los estudiantes a visualizar y reflexionar mejor sobre sus habilidades de entrevista. Actualizado por la tecnología, el uso de consultas médicas grabadas en video se ha convertido en el enfoque estándar para la enseñanza de la comunicación. Sin embargo, para que la técnica funcione, la participación de los estudiantes es crucial. Sus contribuciones y comentarios de los compañeros sobre la consulta grabada son esenciales para el aprendizaje. Sin embargo, la perspectiva de los estudiantes sobre la utilidad de este enfoque educativo ha recibido poca atención. Objetivos: Comprender la percepción del aprendizaje por parte de los residentes de medicina de familia y comunitaria como resultado de la actividad de vídeo feedback en su formación profesional. Métodos: Estudio cualitativo exploratorio realizado con residentes de primer año de medicina familiar y comunitaria de un programa de residencia establecido en São Paulo, Brasil. Los participantes fueron entrevistados después de una sesión educativa, que fueron analizados mediante análisis temático reflexivo. Resultados: La autopercepción de su práctica, el aprendizaje de habilidades comunicativas y las ganancias afectivas fueron identificadas por los participantes como puntos de aprendizaje derivados de la actividad de vídeo feedback. Además, sobre el aprendizaje de habilidades comunicativas específicas, mencionaron la comunicación verbal y no verbal, las conexiones entre la teoría y la práctica, la estructura de consulta y las oportunidades para cristalizar conocimientos. En cuanto a las ganancias afectivas, relataron sentirse parte de un grupo, mejora de la autoestima, superación de las inseguridades, percepción de consultas más efectivas, refuerzo del gusto por el trabajo y necesidad de más aprendizaje. Conclusión: Los logros de aprendizaje identificados en nuestro estudio llevaron a una experiencia de humanidad compartida, que permite a los participantes ser técnica y afectivamente más efectivos con sus pacientes. Además, identificamos que la actividad educativa de vídeo feedback puede ser utilizada para otros posibles fines educativos, además de la enseñanza de la comunicación.

Enferm. actual Costa Rica (Online) ; (46): 58440, Jan.-Jun. 2024. tab
Artigo em Português | LILACS, BDENF - Enfermagem, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1550243


Resumo Introdução: A Cultura de Segurança do Paciente é considerada um importante componente estrutural dos serviços, que favorece a implantação de práticas seguras e a diminuição da ocorrência de eventos adversos. Objetivo: Identificar os fatores associados à cultura de segurança do paciente nas unidades de terapia intensiva adulto em hospitais de grande porte da região Sudeste do Brasil. Método: Estudo transversal do tipo survey e multicêntrico. Participaram 168 profissionais de saúde de quatro unidades (A, B, C e D) de terapia intensiva adulto. Foi utilizado o questionário "Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture". Considerou-se como variável dependente o nível de cultura de segurança do paciente e variáveis independentes aspectos sociodemográficos e laborais. Foram usadas estatísticas descritivas e para a análise dos fatores associados foi elaborado um modelo de regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: Identificou-se associação entre tipo de hospital com onze dimensões da cultura de segurança, quanto à função a categoria profissional médico, técnico de enfermagem e enfermeiro foram relacionadas com três dimensões; o gênero com duas dimensões e tempo de atuação no setor com uma dimensão. Conclusão: Evidenciou-se que o tipo de hospital, categoria profissional, tempo de atuação no setor e gênero foram associados às dimensões de cultura de segurança do paciente.

Resumen Introducción: La cultura de seguridad del paciente se considera un componente estructural importante de los servicios, que favorece la aplicación de prácticas seguras y la reducción de la aparición de acontecimientos adversos. Objetivo: Identificar los factores asociados a la cultura de seguridad del paciente en unidades de terapia intensiva adulto en hospitales de la región Sudeste del Brasil. Metodología: Estudio transversal de tipo encuesta y multicéntrico. Participaron 168 profesionales de salud de cuatro unidades (A, B, C y D) de terapia intensiva adulto. Se utilizó el cuestionario "Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture". Se consideró como variable dependiente el nivel de cultura de seguridad del paciente y variables independientes los aspectos sociodemográficos y laborales. Fueron usadas estadísticas descriptivas y, para analizar los factores asociados, fue elaborado un modelo de regresión logística múltiple. Resultados: Se identificó asociación entre tipo de hospital con once dimensiones de cultura de seguridad del paciente. En relación a la función, personal médico, técnicos de enfermería y personal de enfermería fueron asociados con tres dimensiones, el género con dos dimensiones y tiempo de actuación con una dimensión en el modelo de regresión. Conclusión: Se evidenció que el tipo de hospital, función, tiempo de actuación en el sector y género fueron asociados a las dimensiones de la cultura de seguridad del paciente.

Abstract Introduction: Patient safety culture is considered an important structural component of the services, which promotes the implementation of safe practices and the reduction of adverse events. Objective: To identify the factors associated with patient safety culture in adult intensive care units in large hospitals in Belo Horizonte. Method: Cross-sectional survey and multicenter study. A total of 168 health professionals from four units (A, B, C and D) of adult intensive care participated. The questionnaire "Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture" was used. The patient's level of safety culture was considered as a dependent variable, and sociodemographic and labor aspects were the independent variables. Descriptive statistics were used and a multiple logistic regression model was developed to analyze the associated factors. Results: An association was identified between the type of hospital and eleven dimensions of the safety culture. In terms of function, the doctors, nursing technicians, and nurse were related to three dimensions; gender with two dimensions, and time working in the sector with one dimension. Conclusion: It was evidenced that the type of hospital, function, time working in the sector, and gender were associated with the dimensions of patient safety culture.

Humanos , Masculino , Feminino , Segurança do Paciente , Unidades de Terapia Intensiva , Brasil , Indicadores de Qualidade em Assistência à Saúde/normas
J. bras. nefrol ; 46(2): e2024PO01, Apr.-June 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | LILACS-Express | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550491


ABSTRACT The CONVINCE study, recently published in the New England Journal of Medicine, reveals a groundbreaking 23% reduction in the relative risk of all-cause mortality among end-stage kidney patients undergoing high convective volume hemodiafiltration. This significant finding challenges the conventional use of high-flux hemodialysis and offers hope for improving outcomes in chronic kidney disease patients. While some controversies surround the study's findings, including concerns about generalizability and the causes of death, it is essential to acknowledge the study's design and its main outcomes. The CONVINCE study, part of the HORIZON 2020 project, enrolled 1360 patients and demonstrated the superiority of hemodiafiltration in reducing all-cause mortality overall, as well as in specific patient subgroups (elderly, short vintage, non-diabetic, and those without cardiac issues). Interestingly, it was shown that hemodiafiltration had a protective effect against infection, including COVID-19. Future research will address sustainability, dose scaling effects, identification of subgroups especially likely to benefit and cost-effectiveness. However, for now, the findings strongly support a broader adoption of hemodiafiltration in renal replacement therapy, marking a significant advancement in the field.

RESUMO O estudo CONVINCE, publicado recentemente no New England Journal of Medicine, revela uma redução inovadora de 23% no risco relativo de mortalidade por todas as causas entre pacientes renais em estágio terminal submetidos à hemodiafiltração de alto volume de convecção. Esse achado significativo desafia o uso convencional da hemodiálise de alto fluxo e oferece esperança de melhoria dos desfechos em pacientes com doença renal crônica. Embora algumas controvérsias cerquem os achados do estudo, incluindo preocupações sobre a generalização e as causas de óbito, é essencial reconhecer o desenho do estudo e seus principais desfechos. O estudo CONVINCE, parte do projeto HORIZON 2020, inscreveu 1.360 pacientes e demonstrou a superioridade da hemodiafiltração na redução da mortalidade por todas as causas em geral, bem como em subgrupos específicos de pacientes (idosos, HD de curta duração, não diabéticos e aqueles sem problemas cardíacos). Curiosamente, demonstrou-se que a hemodiafiltração teve um efeito protetor contra infecções, incluindo a COVID-19. Pesquisas futuras abordarão sustentabilidade, efeitos de escalonamento da dose, identificação de subgrupos especialmente propensos a se beneficiar e a relação custo-benefício. No entanto, por ora, os achados apoiam fortemente uma adoção mais ampla da hemodiafiltração na terapia renal substitutiva, marcando um avanço significativo na área.

Cureus ; 16(2): e55291, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558614


Background The adoption of same-day discharge (SDD) in elective percutaneous coronary intervention (PCI) procedures offers potential benefits in terms of patient satisfaction and reduced healthcare costs. Despite these advantages, the safety and efficacy of SDD, especially among patients with diverse health profiles, are not fully understood. This study investigates the effects of patient-specific factors, including age, comorbidities, and discharge timing, on the clinical outcomes of elective PCI, focusing on the viability of SDD. Methods A prospective study was carried out at Lady Reading Hospital, Peshawar, Pakistan, involving 220 patients undergoing elective PCI from January to June 2023. This research compared the clinical outcomes of patients discharged on the same day with those who had extended hospital stays, examining the impact of age, comorbidities, and PCI success. Main outcome measures included post-procedure complications and hospital readmissions within 30 days. Results The study enrolled participants with an average age of 62 years, the majority (88%, n=194/220) of whom had comorbidities. Interestingly, 16% (n=35/220) of the participants were discharged on the same day, while the rest stayed longer in the hospital. Notably, those in the SDD group experienced significantly more complications and readmissions, with 95.14% (n=33/36) compared to only 16.22% (n=30/184) in their counterparts. Factors such as age, comorbidities, success of PCI, timing of discharge, and patient satisfaction emerged as significant predictors of the observed outcomes. Conclusion This study highlights the essential role of personalized care in discharge planning following elective PCI, advocating for a cautious approach towards SDD, especially for older patients and those with multiple health issues.

Cureus ; 16(2): e55281, 2024 Feb.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558643


Objectives This study aims to investigate the negative prognostic indicators of pediatric and adult trigger finger surgery patients concerning complications, recurrence, and satisfaction. Methods A retrospective study was conducted on 61 patients with a total of 91 trigger fingers, including 31 in children and 30 in adult patients, all of whom were treated using a standardized surgical technique. The study considered several demographic and clinical factors, including age, gender, dominant hand, body mass index, occupation, history of trauma, single or multiple finger involvement, staging according to Green classification, diabetes mellitus, comorbidities, recurrence, revision surgery, utilization of non-surgical treatment methods, need for rehabilitation after surgery, time to return to work, the time interval from clinic initiation to the surgery, satisfaction and the duration of the follow-up period. In addition, the quick version of the disabilities of the arm, shoulder, and hand (QDASH); and the visual analog scale (VAS) were used to assess patients' data. Results In adult patients, a statistically significant relationship was observed between the increasing grade of the Green stage and complication rate (p<0.001), recurrence (p<0.001), and lower satisfaction (p<0.001). No statistically significant relationship was identified between Green's classification and complications (p=0.129), recurrence (p=0.854), or satisfaction (p=0.143) in pediatric patients. While a statistically significant relationship existed between the time interval from clinic initiation to surgery and complications (p=0.033) in adult patients, no significant relationships were observed for recurrence or satisfaction. Conversely, there was no statistically significant relationship between the time interval from clinic initiation to surgery and complications, recurrence, or satisfaction in pediatric patients. Conclusion This study demonstrates that increasing the grade of the Green stage and duration of symptoms before surgery were the substantial factors contributing to prognosis in adult patients but not in pediatric patients. These findings can assist physicians during patients' treatment management. We suggest that physicians consider these factors for patients' satisfaction.

Eur Urol Open Sci ; 63: 62-70, 2024 May.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38558766


Background and objective: Registry-based studies for prostate cancer (PCa) document higher overall mortality (OM) after high-dose radiotherapy (RT) than after radical prostatectomy (RP). Our aim was to explore the association between pretreatment patient-reported health ("OverallHealth": OH) and curative treatment type, and the impact on early OM. Methods: New PCa patients registered between 2017 and 2019 in the Cancer Registry of Norway (n = 1949) completed the European Organisation for Research and Treatment of Cancer Quality-of-Life Core 30 (QLQ-C30) questionnaire before RP (n = 592) or RT (n = 610) or after allocation to active surveillance (AS; n = 747). We dichotomised the QLQ-C30 summary score to classify patients with un-impaired versus impaired OH. Standard univariable and multivariable analyses with treatment type or OM as the outcome were conducted. The mean observation time was 4.7 years (standard deviation 1.0). Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Key findings and limitations: Impaired OH was more frequent in the RT group (38%) than in the RP (25%) or AS (28%) group (p < 0.001). Higher age, higher risk group, and impaired OH increased the probability of undergoinRT rather than RP (p < 0.001). Impaired OH was associated with a twofold higher early OM rate in the RT group (16% vs 8%; p = 0.009) and fourfold higher OM rate in the AS group (13% vs 3%; p < 0.001). These findings remained significant in Cox regression analyses controlled for age and risk group. After RP, only locally advanced high-risk tumours were significantly associated with OM. Unknown psychometrics for the OH variable is the main study limitation. Conclusions and clinical implications: Pretreatment patient-reported impaired OH, measured as the QLQ-C30 summary score, was positively associated with allocation to RT or AS and is a prognostic factor for early OM. Before allocation to RT or AS, elderly patients with PCa should be screened and treated for health problems that can be remedied. Future studies should determine the psychometrics of the QLQ-C30 summary score in comparison to established frailty screening instruments. Patient summary: Patient-reported scores reflecting their overall health can help in choosing curative treatment for prostate cancer and are associated with survival during the first 5 years after treatment.

Front Psychiatry ; 15: 1342950, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559399


Introduction: There is a lack of qualitative research that retrospectively explores how patients with major depressive disorder view their improvement in psychotherapy. Methods: Fifteen patients who received short-term cognitive behavioral therapy and psychodynamic therapy were individually interviewed approximately three years after completing therapy. Results: Some patients had altered their views on therapy, especially those who initially were uncertain of how helpful therapy had been. They said they did not realize the extent and importance of their improvement in therapy before some time had passed, which can be explained by the surprising cumulative effects of seemingly small changes. Discussion: This should make retrospective qualitative research an important part of future psychotherapy research.

J Educ Health Promot ; 13: 66, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559489


BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVE: Patient safety and medical personnel self-efficacy are among the main factors involved in providing quality health services. Moreover, safety culture in an organization is considered one of the most critical factors regarding patients' safety. Therefore, the present study aimed to determine the effects of patient safety programs based on Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendation (SBAR) and Failure Model Effects Analysis (FMEA) techniques on self-efficacy and patient safety culture in Iran Hospital of Shiraz in 2022-2023. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This two-stage quasi-experimental study was conducted in 2022-2033. Considering inclusion criteria, the present study included 80 nurses working in Iran Hospital. The participants were divided into groups of SBAR (40 participants) and FMEA (40 participants). All the data were collected using a Hospital Survey on Patient Safety Culture questionnaire and Sherer General Self-Efficacy Scale. Then, the collected data were analyzed using SPSS 13, Fisher's exact test, paired t-test, and independent t-test with a significant level of P < 0.05. RESULTS: The mean score of total patient safety culture between the two groups was insignificant before the intervention (P = 0.58). However, it was more significant in the FMEA group than the SBAR group after the intervention (P < 0/05). In addition, the mean self-efficacy score between the two groups was insignificant before the intervention (P = 0.80). However, after the intervention, the mean score of the FMEA group was significantly higher than the SBAR group (P < 0.05). CONCLUSION: According to the findings of this study, there is a meaningful relationship between patient safety training programs based on SBAR and FMEA techniques on patient safety and self-efficacy of nurses; however, FMEA training has more positive effects on self-efficacy and patient safety compared to other techniques. As a result, these techniques, along with other plans, are recommended to authorities in order to help improve patient safety.

Cureus ; 16(3): e55322, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559507


OBJECTIVES: Even though the idea of painless birth is more than 100 years old, it is still underrepresented in some parts of the world despite progress in science, education, anesthesia, spinal and epidural needles, development of catheters, new drugs, and infusion pumps. Maternal care should basically be the safety of the patient (in this case two patients) and also provide all kinds of protection in the form of a multidisciplinary team with an anesthesiologist, especially when it comes to pain therapy and anesthesia for women in labor. In this direction, our hospital departments with low or moderate volume of annual births made the decision to educate ourselves for painless childbirth and contribute more to the care of women in labor. The enthusiasm and dedication of our clinical team prevailed and today we have a high standard of labor epidural service. The aim of this study was to evaluate the establishment of the epidural labor service by comparing the effects of epidural analgesia on labor pain and the course of labor. The secondary objectives were to compare satisfaction with epidural analgesia and the impact of epidural analgesia on the delivery mode. MATERIAL AND METHODS:  This was a prospective observational hospital-based study conducted on 100 patients after the establishment of epidural service. Parturients who were signed to receive epidural analgesia formed Group A and parturients who did not request epidural analgesia formed Group B. All parturients are induced in the delivery room with a Bishop score of 5 or higher. RESULTS: Pain intensity measured through the visual analog scale of pain (VAS score) was significantly lower in Group A (n = 46) compared to Group B (n = 50) at measured points of time (p<0.001). There was a fall in the mean VAS score in Group A from 7.94 to 3.86 within 20 minutes of the bolus dose and starting a continuous infusion. Labor progress according to the Bishop score and till the end of the second stage of labor, or to the transfer to the operating theatre, according to the monitored time in Group A was 176 minutes and it was lower in Group B with 155 minutes; however, by test of linearity we do not gain significance (p = 0.2). There were eight parturients in each group (17% vs 16%) who were indicated for surgical delivery. According to Pearson's correlation test for the outcome of labor between parturients receiving epidural analgesia and parturients without epidural analgesia (p = 0.8), we cannot say that epidural analgesia in labor is correlated with the outcome of surgical delivery. CONCLUSION: Establishing a new hospital procedure such as an epidural painless service for childbirth in low or moderate-volume settings of annual births is very challenging. By evaluating epidural labor services in our hospital, we created the best environment for continuous improvement and long-term efficacy and safety of our analgesic techniques aimed at providing excellent care to mothers and their babies.

Cureus ; 16(3): e55304, 2024 Mar.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559518


INTRODUCTION: AI chatbots are being increasingly used in healthcare settings. There is growing interest in using AI to assist in patient education. Currently, extensive healthcare information is found online but is often too complex to understand. Our objective is to determine if physicians can recommend the free version of ChatGPT version 3.5 (OpenAI, San Francisco, CA, USA) for patients to simplify text from the American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO) in English and Spanish. This version of ChatGPT was assessed in this study due to its increased accessibility across various patient populations. METHODS: Fifteen articles were chosen from AAO in both languages and simplified with ChatGPT 10 times each. The readability of original and simplified articles was assessed with the Flesch Reading Ease and Gunning Fog Index for English and Fernández Huerta, Gutiérrez, Szigriszt-Pazo, INFLESZ, and Legibilidad-µ for Spanish. Grade levels to assess readability were calculated with Flesch Kincaid Grade Level and Crawford Nivel-de-Grado. Mean, standard deviation, and two-tailed t-tests were performed to assess differences before and after simplification. RESULTS: Average grade levels before and after simplification were as follows: English 8.43±1.17 to 8.9±2.1 (p=0.41) and Spanish 5.3±0.34 to 4.1±1.1 (p=0.0001). Spanish articles were significantly simplified per Legibilidad-µ (p=0.003). No significant difference was noted for other scales. CONCLUSIONS: The readability of AAO articles in English worsened without significance but significantly improved in Spanish. This may result from simpler syllable structures and a lesser overall vocabulary in Spanish. With increased testing, physicians can recommend ChatGPT for Spanish-speaking patients to improve health literacy.

Digit Health ; 10: 20552076241239274, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559583


Objectives: Metabolic bariatric surgery is a critical intervention for patients living with obesity and related health issues. Accurate classification and prediction of patient outcomes are vital for optimizing treatment strategies. This study presents a novel machine learning approach to classify patients in the context of metabolic bariatric surgery, providing insights into the efficacy of different models and variable types. Methods: Various machine learning models, including Gaussian Naive Bayes, Complement Naive Bayes, K-nearest neighbour, Decision Tree, K-nearest neighbour with RandomOverSampler, and K-nearest neighbour with SMOTE, were applied to a dataset of 73 patients. The dataset, comprising psychometric, socioeconomic, and analytical variables, was analyzed to determine the most efficient predictive model. The study also explored the impact of different variable groupings and oversampling techniques. Results: Experimental results indicate average accuracy values as high as 66.7% for the best model. Enhanced versions of K-nearest neighbour and Decision Tree, along with variations of K-nearest neighbour such as RandomOverSampler and SMOTE, yielded the best results. Conclusions: The study unveils a promising avenue for classifying patients in the realm of metabolic bariatric surgery. The results underscore the importance of selecting appropriate variables and employing diverse approaches to achieve optimal performance. The developed system holds potential as a tool to assist healthcare professionals in decision-making, thereby enhancing metabolic bariatric surgery outcomes. These findings lay the groundwork for future collaboration between hospitals and healthcare entities to improve patient care through the utilization of machine learning algorithms. Moreover, the findings suggest room for improvement, potentially achievable with a larger dataset and careful parameter tuning.

Digit Health ; 10: 20552076241242772, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559581


Background: In a growing number of countries, patients are offered access to their full online clinical records, including the narrative reports written by clinicians (the latter, referred to as "open notes"). Even in countries with mature patient online record access, access to psychotherapy notes is not mandatory. To date, no research has explored the views of psychotherapy trainees about open notes. Objective: This study aimed to explore the opinions of psychotherapy trainees in Switzerland about patients' access to psychotherapists' free-text summaries. Methods: We administered a web-based mixed methods survey to 201 psychotherapy trainees to explore their familiarity with and opinions about the impact on patients and psychotherapy practice of offering patients online access to their psychotherapy notes. Descriptive statistics were used to analyze the 42-item survey, and qualitative descriptive analysis was employed to examine written responses to four open-ended questions. Results: Seventy-two (35.8%) trainees completed the survey. Quantitative results revealed mixed views about open notes. 75% agreed that, in general open notes were a good idea, and 94.1% agreed that education about open notes should be part of psychotherapy training. When considering impact on patients and psychotherapy, four themes emerged: (a) negative impact on therapy; (b) positive impact on therapy; (c) impact on patients; and (d) documentation. Students identified concerns related to increase in workload, harm to the psychotherapeutic relationship, and compromised quality of records. They also identified many potential benefits including better patient communication and informed consent processes. In describing impact on different therapy types, students believed that open notes might have differential impact depending on the psychotherapy approaches. Conclusions: Sharing psychotherapy notes is not routine but is likely to expand. This mixed methods study provides timely insights into the views of psychotherapy trainees regarding the impact of open notes on patient care and psychotherapy practice.

J Patient Exp ; 11: 23743735241241174, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559664


The return to social life after a hip fracture is a major concern for patients and a determinant factor in their recovery. However, patients' perceptions of social life after hip fracture are variable and context-dependent. By identifying these perceptions and strategies of patients, interventions can be strengthened and modified. The aim of this study was to identify patients' perceptions of their social life after hip fracture. This qualitative study used inductive content analysis. Twenty patients with hip fractures who were referred to Tehran University of Medical Sciences hospitals were purposefully selected and included in the study. Data were collected through individual, face-to-face, in-depth, semi-structured interviews conducted by a researcher experienced in carrying out such interviews. The interviews were recorded, immediately transcribed verbatim, and analyzed in MAXQDA-10. The interviewing process continued until data saturation was reached. The data analysis led to the extraction of three categories: Disruption of normal social life, Minimal social life, and Social isolation. The results indicated that the social life of these patients is influenced by physical conditions and contextual factors and progresses over time. All patients experienced meaningful disruption of their social life after experiencing hip fractures and movement limitations. The interdisciplinary perspectives provided by these findings can increase awareness of patients' post-fracture social life perceptions and conditions. These findings can also be used to design future programs for interdisciplinary interventions (involving sociology and medical sciences) to improve social life and increase the ability to return to a normal social life. Recovery management for patients with hip fractures should be preventive and organized by an all-around team (involving medicine, psychology, and sociology) based on patient-centered, community-based, and modern care strategies.

Neuropsychiatr Dis Treat ; 20: 671-687, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559772


Purpose: Major depressive disorder (MDD) is a leading cause of disability worldwide. An accurate assessment of depressive symptomology is crucial for clinical management and research. This study assessed the convergent validity, reliability, and total scale score interconversion across the 9-item Patient Health Questionnaire (PHQ-9) self-report, the 16-item Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptomatology-clinician report (QIDS-C) (two widely used clinical ratings) and the 5-item Very Brief Quick Inventory of Depressive Symptoms-clinician report (VQIDS-C), which evaluate the core features of MDD. Patients and Methods: This study leveraged electronic health record (EHR)-derived, de-identified data from the NeuroBlu Database (Version 23R1), a longitudinal behavioural health real-world platform. Classical Test Theory (CTT) and Item Response Theory (IRT) analyses were used to evaluate the reliability, validity of, and conversions between the scales. The Test Information Function (TIF) was calculated for each scale, with greater test information reflecting higher precision and reliability in measuring depressive symptomology. IRT was also used to generate conversion tables so that total scores on each scale could be compared to the other. Results: The study sample (n = 2,156) had an average age of 36.4 years (standard deviation [SD] = 13.0) and 59.7% were female. The mean depression scores for the PHQ-9, QIDS-C, and VQIDS-C were 12.9 (SD = 6.6), 12.0 (SD = 4.9), and 6.18 (SD = 3.2), respectively. The Cronbach's alpha coefficients for PHQ-9, QIDS-C, and VQIDS-C were 0.9, 0.8, and 0.7, respectively, suggesting acceptable internal consistency. PHQ-9 (TIF = 30.3) demonstrated the best assessment of depressive symptomology, followed by QIDS-C (TIF = 25.8) and VQIDS-C (TIF = 17.7). Conclusion: Overall, PHQ-9, QIDS-C, and VQIDS-C appear to be reliable and convertible measures of MDD symptomology within a US-based adult population in a real-world clinical setting.

Am J Lifestyle Med ; 18(2): 243-251, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559791


Objective: Health coaching has the potential to improve self-management abilities (SM) in patients with Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD). Patient engagement with health care providers has a beneficial effect on patient outcomes. We examined the association of patient engagement with the health coach on SM abilities in patients with COPD. Methods: We analyzed the association between the degree of engagement measured by the Working Alliance Inventory (WAI-SR) and the SM measured by the Self-Management-Ability-Scale-30 (SMAS-30) at the end of a COPD health coaching intervention. Results: The cohort included 146 moderate to severe COPD patients. The WAI-SR total score was 85% of the maximum possible scores indicating a high degree of engagement between the health coach and the patients. The WAI-SR Task and Bond domains were positively associated with SM abilities after adjusting for lung function (FEV1 %) and depression symptoms (PHQ-2). Conclusion: The degree of engagement between a health coach and patients is associated with the perception of SM abilities in patients with COPD. Our results may inform self-management intervention and clinical practice.

Health Equity ; 8(1): 177-188, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559848


Inclusive language is a cornerstone for inclusive, just, and equitable health care. While the American Medical Association released inclusive language guidance in 2021, it was unclear the extent to which physician practice organizations and their affiliated journals have adopted and promoted inclusive language. In our analysis, we found a lack of inclusive language resources across many physician practice organizations and their affiliated journals. Moreover, when guidance was provided by such entities, it was sometimes limited or not reflective of the American Medical Association recommendations. As such, many practice organizations and their journals have the opportunity to promote inclusive language.

Risk Manag Healthc Policy ; 17: 715-725, 2024.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38559872


Purpose: This study attempted to assess the perceived importance and performance of patient-safety nursing among operating room (OR) nurses and to identify the "concentrate here" level using importance-performance analysis (IPA). The goal was to identify the educational priorities of patient-safety nursing and to use it as foundational data to develop educational programs. Methods: The IPA of patient-safety nursing (infection control, patient identification, specimen management, surgical coefficient, medical equipment and supplies, high-alert medicines, and damage prevention) was surveyed online for nurses in general hospitals in Korea, and the data of 47 participants were analyzed. Differences in the importance and performance of patient-safety nursing were analyzed using Wilcoxon signed rank test, and IPA was conducted to identify areas on which improvement efforts should be focused. Results: Within the six areas of OR patient-safety nursing, notable differences in importance and performance were observed in infection control and surgical count areas. The IPA revealed specific items that require "concentrate here", including handwashing, checking the cleanliness and sterility of medical equipment, and conducting 5-Rights checks before administering high-alert medications. Conclusion: Regular training for OR nurses should encompass preoperative, intraoperative, and postoperative infection control, as well as appropriate surgical counts. In particular, training, monitoring, feedback, and intervention should be provided on hand hygiene, sterilization maintenance, and accurate administration of high-alert medications, which are items included in "concentrate here".

Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560034


Objective: To assess and characterize online ratings and comments on laryngologists and determine factors that correlate with higher ratings. Methods: All the American Laryngological Association (ALA) members were queried across several online platforms. Ratings were normalized for comparison on a five-point Likert scale. Ratings were categorized based on context and for positive/negative aspects. Results: Of the 331 ALA members, 256 (77%) were rated on at least one online platform. Across all platforms, the average overall rating was 4.39 ± 0.61 (range: 1.00-5.00). Specific positive ratings including "bedside manners," "diagnostic accuracy," "adequate time spent with patient," "appropriate follow-up," and "physician timeliness" had significant positive correlations to overall ratings, by Pearson's correlation (P < 0.001). Long wait times had significant negative correlations to overall ratings (P < 0.001). Conclusion: Online ratings and comments for laryngologists are significantly influenced by patient perceptions of bedside manner, physician competence, and time spent with the patient.

Comput Struct Biotechnol J ; 23: 1274-1287, 2024 Dec.
Artigo em Inglês | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-38560281


Objective: Classification tasks are an open challenge in the field of biomedicine. While several machine-learning techniques exist to accomplish this objective, several peculiarities associated with biomedical data, especially when it comes to omics measurements, prevent their use or good performance achievements. Omics approaches aim to understand a complex biological system through systematic analysis of its content at the molecular level. On the other hand, omics data are heterogeneous, sparse and affected by the classical "curse of dimensionality" problem, i.e. having much fewer observation, samples (n) than omics features (p). Furthermore, a major problem with multi-omics data is the imbalance either at the class or feature level. The objective of this work is to study whether feature extraction and/or feature selection techniques can improve the performances of classification machine-learning algorithms on omics measurements. Methods: Among all omics, metabolomics has emerged as a powerful tool in cancer research, facilitating a deeper understanding of the complex metabolic landscape associated with tumorigenesis and tumor progression. Thus, we selected three publicly available metabolomics datasets, and we applied several feature extraction techniques both linear and non-linear, coupled or not with feature selection methods, and evaluated the performances regarding patient classification in the different configurations for the three datasets. Results: We provide general workflow and guidelines on when to use those techniques depending on the characteristics of the data available. To further test the extension of our approach to other omics data, we have included a transcriptomics and a proteomics data. Overall, for all datasets, we showed that applying supervised feature selection improves the performances of feature extraction methods for classification purposes. Scripts used to perform all analyses are available at:
